Friday, April 5, 2013

The Realities of Getting Older & How They Shape Us

There are two words you hear throughout your childhood consistently and if your a man this applies to you almost every single day, "Grow Up". Yes its true that we all have to grow up at some point and become full fledged adults filled with responsibilities and a constant awareness of our actions and surroundings. It doesn't mean we have to lose our identity as individuals or even completely remove all of our innocence we at one time or another had as children. Rather,  its more about growth as a person and how we evolve not only within our environment but within our own selves.

I feel like its a perfect time to touch on this topic because I have found myself touching on the same topics over and over again in my daily life. Mainly they consist of: financial security or job security, money management, managing not only my individual social life but also those of my friends and peers, females and their issues, pressure from family, and keeping my sanity to remain happy. All of these things are normal to feel anxious about or to be focusing on at the present moment. I'm 24 years old and in the prime of my life, of course I'm worried about making a good living and balling out on the weekends. But its honestly more than that because I really have no desire to grow up.

I know your thinking, well who wants to work everyday for a low salary and then pay bills? No one of course but its not just that. I can't resist holding back what I see and what I'm experiencing and that is a whole world filled with unhappy people. And honestly, its mostly all of our faults. Not because we don't have money, Italian sports cars, and the wardrobe to coincide with it. But because we have forgotten who we are and what we are all about. I know most people look at me and want to say I'm full of shit because I'm not the relationship type and I wont buy into the "norms of society". But can you blame me? Most of you guys are so insecure you make a 16 year old pageant contestant look stable. Just about every female I encounter, even the coolest ones, have some form of daddy issues or princess like attitude that makes me want to play in traffic. You really think prince charming exist's sweetheart? Sorry, the playing field is somewhat even now considering the economy is such shit and theirs not enough wealth to go around.

But here I am, single, 24 and working hard at finding my way in life and living as good of a life as possible. I don't care or concern myself with relationships, marriage, or children. The thought of any of those concerns me more than North Korea's Nuclear Missiles. I can honestly say I'm happy, not satisfied but happy. I'm not a stud or a baller. I work hard to achieve those things but I'm not sweating it because in the end life is just one big journey and when I'm actually old and fat. I want to be able to tell anyone who will listen (probably no one) about all of my experiences. The good, bad, and everything in between. I don't care if you judge me, talk shit about me, or laugh at this article or my entire blog. Most people are not mentally tough or strong, I am.

I will admit that as I've gotten older there have been times where I've had thoughts such as, a girlfriend isn't a bad move if you can find a good looking, laid back, personable girl. I'm still human, I don't really want to spend the rest of my life alone and all my friends will be married eventually. When that happens I'll be an outcast. I'll be told to "grow up" and get with the program. But that's the thing, I'm on my own program and I'm good with it. I have a lot I want to do and accomplish and that's my whole point of this. I want people to remember and realize you don't need someone else to carry you, you can stand up on your own and be yourself. You can travel, work hard, and do what makes you happy. We are all products of our environments but we all also have been given the ability to think and act for ourselves. So do it and not just when you rather do a power hour with your boys than go to gym.

Do it when it matters most, the times when no one is looking and no one cares what your doing. Those are the most important and vital times to each of us as individuals. Don't let society dictate what you do or who you are. Give it the big FUCK You and don't be afraid to try something new, you might just enjoy it.

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